GODFIDENCE mean knew about the god .Godfidence s not means believe in god because when we beleive in god it remain very far from us but when we knew god it means god very close to us .Godfidence means consciousness about Godfidence.


we all know about the god who create us and universe. A human beings which posses the GODFIDENCE always knew anything god do it good for us.

A human beings always think that what we achieved its all by self  but we forget about God because all the things happening in this universe all done by the all mighty God

when happened something not good or according to our plan we blame the god because at that point we remember all things happened in this universe it s done by the God.

but when we successfull we always think that it done by myself no one help me but we forget the god who always help. where no one stand for us the all mighty god always stand for us.keep visiting to my site



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